The Skylarks' War

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Thank you, Evie, this is a wonderful beginning to a story.
Thank you, Evie, this is a wonderful beginning to a story.
Livia, a brilliantly ingenious way of escaping!
Livia, a brilliantly ingenious way of escaping!
Sophia, clever you, and clever Marcus, and what a lovely birch tree.
Sophia, clever you, and clever Marcus, and what a lovely birch tree.
Ava-Lillie, thank goodness you rescued Finn and Brownie!
Ava-Lillie, thank goodness you rescued Finn and Brownie!
Mayokun, I had to include this because it made me laugh!
Mayokun, I had to include this because it made me laugh!
And Mayokun again! I was so surprised and pleased when Marcus's brother arrived.
And Mayokun again! I was so surprised and pleased when Marcus's brother arrived.
Ellie, this is so true, and so beautifully written.
Ellie, this is so true, and so beautifully written.
Matthew, this is perfect, a campfire and supper and the ponies all safe.
Matthew, this is perfect, a campfire and supper and the ponies all safe.
Euan, thank you for this lively, lovely, happy description.
Euan, thank you for this lively, lovely, happy description.

April 2022

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